Bybit API
Last updated
Last updated
Login / Signup to Bybit via browser
Make sure your account is verified / KYC
You will need to create a new Sub-account for the Automated Trading System, please follow these steps bellow:
3.1. Hover your mouse to “Profile Icon”
3.2. Click “Switch/Create Account”
3.3. Click “Create”
3.4. Enter your preferred username and select “Unified Account” 3.5. Enter your “Security information” 3.6. Account Created Successfully!!!, Click “Skip”
Switch your account to the Sub-account from the “Profile Icon” on the top left corner
Click “Create New Key”
Trade: 7.1. Select “Standard Account” 7.2. Make sure these are Ticked: “Orders”, “Positions”, ‘USDC Derivatives Trading” & “Trade”
Assets: 8.1. Make sure “Assets” are Unticked 8.2. Nothing should be ticked on “Account Transfer”, “Subaccount Transfer” & “Exchange History”
8.3. Click “Submit”
9. Pop-up appears, Copy & Paste all the details to the form
10. Click “Understood” and now you have successfully created your ODS API.
Hover your mouse to your initials and select “API”
Select “System-generated API Keys”
Create New Key *** We will need all these settings and information to connect the API to our server, make sure all information is easy for you to remember and backed-up 6.1. Select “API Transaction” 6.2. Name for the API Key: enter format (Your username)ODS 6.3. API Key Permissions: Select “Read-Write” 6.4. Select “No IP Restriction”